AI Series #2 - Quantum Computing & AI for Semiconductor Self-reliance in India

Leveraging quantum computing and AI for self- sufficiency in semiconductor manufacturing

Semiconductor chips enable an ability to embed intelligence into commonly found day to day items such as computers, cell phones, appliances all the way to advanced missile Defense systems. Currently, the world faces a global economic crisis, with the Automobile industry losing $210B+ alone due to a shortage in supply of semiconductor chips of varying types from older generation ones to the latest ones. Quantum Computing and AI technologies will enable both private and government organizations to circumvent this problem while also eventually getting ahead of the curve in semiconductor design and fabrication. Many of the design problems related to building better photolithography, synthesis and process integration methods requires years of time and significant capital to improve. Quantum and AI enables a roadmap for entities with sufficient technical expertise to work on a simulation-first approach over the next five to ten years.

About Event

Kindly Visit "Video Gallery Menu" to Watch the Webinar Session of this event

Keynote Speakers
Deep Prasad

CEO, Quantum Generative Materials (GenMat)


    Created By Akshay Kharade At Widespread Solutions

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