About SAPI

The ‘Security and Policy Initiative ( SAPI) is the Think Factory functioning as a Virtual Forum. It is involved in the field of knowledge production in broad areas of Security and Public Policy. Created by few deeply motivated Individuals having varied backgrounds, the Think factory is based on the organic outcome of their passion, experience and first hand observations at Micro , Macro and Strategic levels. It is the endeavor of SAPI to create a fertile ground for cross pollination of ideas and deliver value to the society.


To sensitise and facilitate stakeholders in developing ideas towards feasible solutions to challenges in the realm of Transfer of technology , Border Management and their Policy aspects.


To be a pulsating , interactive platform for synergising the best practises , expertise , experience , knowledge & technology in achieving success for the country.

Need for a Think Factory

The spectrum of subjects in the fields of security and public policy is very wide with increasing specializations. Quite often the need is felt by respective stakeholder  for some input in the niche areas of ToT and BM which have  been  well deliberated.  Its here we at Security and Policy Initiatives aim to churn ideas, roadmaps, solutions etc in the much understudied but hugely divergent fields of ‘ Handling  Transfer of Technologies’ , ‘Improving Border Management for safe and secure Borders’. The Think Factory  will act as a   platform to facilitate experts in diverse fields to put forth their version ( or viewpoints) for a better society through deliberations and sensitizing stakeholders. Presently there very few forums working in these areas and none accessible to all especially outside Government.

How is SAPI different?

SAPI will be a virtual forum accessible to all concerned including stakeholders both inside and outside Government.  The activities it  will  pursue are like webinars/seminars, talks, discussions, roundtables, etc. Further keeping in view the spirit of SAPI to evolve into a platform for sharing ideas and view points, the SAPI extends invitation to all Viewers, Patrons to send their Articles, Blog etc which will be hosted here.  As there are several issues ( technical & non technical) in the areas of ToT and BM,  SAPI will encourage viewers to share their problems on the website based on which SAPI will solicit solutions to these issues from its viewers. 

It will be endeavour of SAPI to keep alive the dialogue amongst its stakeholders by regularly suggesting topics or inviting suggestions for topics. Efforts will be to have contemporary topics of relevance. SAPI will have a ‘not for profit’ objective and will be an Independent forum. It intends to take up all relevant issues in the above mentioned areas.

Considering the distinct nature of these areas viz. ‘Transfer of Technology’ and ‘Border Management’ we have set up separate Verticals in the think factory.


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Created By Akshay Kharade At Widespread Solutions

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